All images are taken at diferent locations through out the state of Michigan. Taken during different sesasons. Each image is unique to it's meaning, but they all revolve around the fact that no matter what you are looking at, there is beauty. Even in the grimmest of times. With the feeling of beauty all around us, there is ways to spend times marveling in it. Prints can be made to order.

Shot at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at River Wood Park.

Taken at River Wood Park.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at old abandoned school.

Taken at River Bends.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at a local neighborhood.

Taken at River Wood Park

Taken at River Wood Park

Taken at Hawthorn Park

Taken at River Bends.

Taken at River Woods Park.

Taken at River Woods Park

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at Oak Hill Cemetery.

Taken at Oak Hill Cemetery.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at an old abandoned school.

Taken at Hawthorn Park.

Taken at an old abandoned school.

Taken at an old abandoned school.